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Web Design Portfolio.
A Simple Life of Luxury

Listed below are a selection of websites built by Pixelwave Web Design. Click on the image to see more details and find a direct link to their website.

A Simple Life of Luxury

Simple Life of Luxury Website Screen Grab

A Simple Life of Luxury is a personal site I have site up using WordPress Weblogging software. This creates a website that is extremely simple for the administrator to update so that new textual and image content can be added simply and easily via online forms.

The content of the site is fairly varied and contains news and views from me and my wife about our life, work, play and family here in West Wales

My aim was to produce a site that was clean, fresh and easy to navigate, whilst of course being compliant with w3c and WAI guidelines in order to provide an accessible website.

Work Done:

Website Design, Layout, Production, Web Hosting, Content, Copy-writing, Web-Hosting.

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