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Website Design Aberystwyth, Wales

Creativity - Innovation - Results

Pixelwave Web Design is a one-person website design studio based near Aberystwyth in Wales, UK. My aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd.

Bilingual Welsh Website for INTRtri

Pixelwave Web Design is pleased to announce that INTRtri now have a fully bilingual, Welsh and English website.

After building an English website based on a CMS for them that went live last October, I was asked to make the site fully bilinugual in February. I soon had the outlines of the Welsh version ready for them and then the arduous process of translating all of the content began. I also used this time to train the translator in the use of the Content Management System so that now that the Welsh version of the site is live she should be able to keep it up to date and in line with the English version.

It’s always good to promote the Welsh language and to provide better accessibility for visitors to websites. Adding a Welsh version to any website for businesses or organisations within Wales is always a good thing and provide first language support for many people using the site.