Welsh Forestry Website Design Goes Live
Pixelwave Web Design is pleased to announce the release of a brand new website for Focus on Forestry First.
Focus on Forestry First is a Welsh Assembly Government/EU funded three year project solely for the trees and timber sector within Wales. They approached me in February asking about building them a website.
We had an initial meeting late in February to discuss the possibilities and I then visited their premises in Mid March to discuss their requirements. The original brochure style website they had first asked for had become a website based on a Content Management System and they were also talking about another bespoke database driven website that would become a hub for the business and its partners.
The initial phase of the website development was to be a website based on a Content Management System that would outline the activities of Focus on Forestry First and allow them to add news and events to the site – as well as edit any other content – as and when they wished.
I had designed, constructed and placed a holding page at their domain within a couple of days and then started work on the site itself. Contact was good and things moved quite quickly and after a few tweaks to the initial design all was approved and the copy acquired. Once the copy had been added there were a few additional small tweaks to be made to the layout but soon all was ready for public consumption and the site went live at http://www.focusonforestryfirst.co.uk on April 20th.
I’m pleased with the final product, my clients are pleased with it and best of all, their visitors are pleased with it too:
People have been using the website and we have received positive reports back so that is all good!