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Website Design Aberystwyth, Wales

Creativity - Innovation - Results

Pixelwave Web Design is a one-person website design studio based near Aberystwyth in Wales, UK. My aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd.

Google Earth Downloads

Following the success of the recent updates to the Ecology Matters website, Ecology Matters have commissioned Pixelwave Web Design to build a system that allows visitors to their website to download Google Earth files showing detailed tracklogs from their Honey Buzzard Migration Project.

In order to access the files visitors to the site are requested to fill in a short form containing their contact details. In return they are provided with the instructions needed to access the files.

Ecology Matters are able to update the files as and when they wish. In addition to providing visitors to their website with the tracklog data this system allows Ecology matters to gather a mailing list of interested parties allowing them to keep them up to date with future company development and projects.