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Website Design Aberystwyth, Wales

Creativity - Innovation - Results

Pixelwave Web Design is a one-person website design studio based near Aberystwyth in Wales, UK. My aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd.

Garden Nursery website goes Live

I’m pleased to announce that the eCommerce website Pixelwave Web Design has been construction for Pantyfod Garden Nursery has now gone live. Pantyfod Garden is a specialist nursery selling herbaceous perennials by mail order. Their specialities include woodland and bog garden plants, Hardy Geraniums and ‘Black’ plants.

In addition to information about the garden and the nursery, it contains a comprehensive plant catalogue allowing visitors to buy plants online. The site also contains a useful ‘Plantfinder’ search facility allowing visitors to search for plants based on specific criteria such as light and soil requirements allowing them to find the perfect plant for that difficult spot in the garden.

Pantyfod Garden nuresry website screen shot