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Website Design Aberystwyth, Wales

Creativity - Innovation - Results

Pixelwave Web Design is a one-person website design studio based near Aberystwyth in Wales, UK. My aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd.

Website Design for Cymric Cards

Pixelwave Web Design is pleased to have recently started work on the design and construction of a website for a local card company Cymric Cards. In fact, Cymric Cards is located just a few houses away from here which means that face-to-face meetings are easy which is always nice.

The website itself will be a fairly simple affair to describe the products and services offered by Cymric Cards and allow the download of catalogues and order forms. From a technical point of view it should be a fairly straight-forward website build, with the added twist of seasonal changes. Again, these seasonal changes should be fairly easy to implement. A number of simple CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), one for each season will be used and some PHP (Hypertext PreProcessing) will determine the season we are in and the stylesheet to use. This should allow the overall look and feel of the site to change automatically with the season. A nice approach to keeping the website interesting and relevant to the time of year. I think I will even suggest a few seasonal content changes to go with the aesthetic changes.

Cymric Cards