Website Adoption
Regular readers of the news section here at Pixelwave Web Design could be forgiven for thinking I’ve been taking it easy and doing little work lately. That would be nice (although not for too long), but it is far from the truth. In fact, I seem to have been adopting various websites for people lately and in most cases this has simply involved arranging hosting for them, transferring the sites, setting up e-mails and troubleshooting. All of which means there has actually been very little to show here in the news section.
Many of these sites were built years ago by others so I’m not going to add them to my portfolio. Not only did I not build them, but they were built using what is now out of date coding, are not standards compliant and certainly couldn’t be considered accessible. Of course, now that Pixelwave Web Design has taken over the maintenance of these websites, any updates or additions that are required will be written using modern standards and practices and hopefully in time the entire sites (none of which are huge) will be rebuilt too.
I have of course also been working on some new websites a few of which are almost ready for release and as always there have been plenty of minor updates and help and support to keep me busy. Don’t worry, although there has been little of note for the news section, I’m not spending my time relaxing on the beach here in Wales.