Welsh Version of Artists Website
Pixelwave Web Design have just finished producing a Welsh version of a local artists website.
Clare Maynard, a landscape and abstract artist for whom Pixelwave Web Design have carried out various website maintenance task recently apporached me asking if I could produce a Welsh version of her website. She popped into my office on Monday with the necessary translations.
In the past, updates to her website took longer than they should as various bits of code that were common to each of her 100+ web-pages were repeated on each page rather than being in a separate file that was shared (via a SSI) adding another 100+ Welsh language pages would have exasperated this situation, so before building the Welsh pages I restructured her website to make future updates less time consuming and therefore less costly.
This restructuring also made the building of the Welsh pages much quicker, so they are already uploaded and live on her website.