Emergency Down Under
Yesterday I received an emergency e-mail from Australian based webmaster and journalist Gareth Powell. He and a friend had been trying to do some work on one of his websites (http://www.bloggeroff.com) and had broken the functionality and layout of the site rendering it unusable. They needed some help to sort it out, so in their words:
So we have called up the heavy artillery and gone to Alan Cole who runs Pixelwave Web Design on the coast of Wales
I’m not 100% sure what they had done to the website, but I got stuck into it as a matter of urgency and now have everything back up and running as it should be. I have also altered a number of things on the site so that it should be easier to use for its visitors, better optimised for search engine robots and easier to maintain for Gareth. It will probably need a few more tweaks over the next few days/weeks as Gareth gets back into the swing of using it, but at least it is up and running again now, which is a huge improvement from four hours ago.